Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Highlights of 2018

It is nearly the end of the school year there is only three days left until the summer holidays because it is getting so close to the end of the year we had to write down two academic highlights so that is two highlights about our learning and what we have been doing this year. We also had to write two other highlights. Here are my 2018 highlights. Enjoy :)

Highlights of 2018!
One of my two academic highlights of 2018 for me has been my science fair project I am really proud of it because it got a bronze award and it took me ages and I am really proud of the end result. My other academic highlight for 2018 has been weeding and mulching at hamanatua stream because it gives me something to be proud of.
Two highlights for me this year have been working in the garden b Another highlight for me this year has been my awesome because I love weeding, planting and harvesting. My final highlight for 2018 has been my awesome classroom, room 1!