Thursday, 28 February 2019

Swimming Sports

On Tuesday year threes,fours,fives and sixes had swimming sports. There were three strokes freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. I participated in backstroke and freestyle (I really hate breaststroke). I got 3rd in backstroke, I am so proud of myself. It was so much fun.

Here are some photos:

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Invasion of the Fennel

Wainui Beach school pepeha:
Ko maungaroa te maunga,
Ko te oho-O rawiri te marae,
Ko Hamanatua te awa.

Today all of Moana went down to Hamanatua stream. The fennel had grown so high in just over six weeks, luckily we had extra help, we had almost two classes down at hamanatua but it still took forever to finish. It was so worth it after we had finished, the trees had grown so much since last year. Although it wasn't sunny it was still very hot. Now the whole of Moana stinks of fennel!

Here are some photos of us working:

Please remember to leave comments on my blog. :)

2019 Intro

Kia ora,
Hazel here. I am now a year six, I am in room 3  Moana learning hub. There are lots of fun things that are going to take place this year some things that I'm looking forward to are year 6 camp and  surfing. Remember to leave comments on my learning this year. :)