This term has been a blast! We have been surfing, competing in athletics, gone to intermediate open days, kapa haka, just dance, year six item and we are about to start swimming! I have really enjoyed my final term at Wainui. There has been one thing that I have enjoyed a little above others which was our inquiry topic - Culture city.
I have enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts. We are going to turn all of our information into a book. We had to find out about each cultures Drama, Dance, Visual arts and Music. I have written a blogpost on Kapa Haka. We competed in ball throw, sprints, long jump and high jump for athletics. It was really fun doing just dance in the mornings, we danced to lots of different songs from different cultures with actions. Year sixes get to go surfing every friday morning if they would like to. We even got to have a fun day out at our chosen intermediates.
We are creating a dish from a culture to bring in for a shared morning tea. I am making something from South America! We got up to lots of other cool things this term but these were my highlights. I am super excited for next year. :)
Kapa Haka |
Sprints |
High Jump |
Long Jump |
Long Jump |
Ball throw |