Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Term 1 refection

Overall I have really enjoyed term one. We have been up to lots of interesting stuff such as camp, duathlon,  swimming sports, mulching, we are going to make feijoa ice-cream and are going to have an easter raffle draw on Friday. I really hope I have sold the most the most tickets. I sold nine sheets that would be ninety tickets. It is the last week of the term. I will tell you next term if I won any prizes from the easter raffle and I will tell you how the ice cream went.

swimming sports
swimming sports
swimming sports

Hamanatua mulching

Hamanatua mulching

Hamanatua mulching

Hamanatua mulching



1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Hazel,
    I really liked your blog post and how you put in lots of photos to explain your writing. Your blog brings me back to Term 1 and how fun it was. What was your favorite part of term one? For nexts time add in more information about term one.Other then that I really liked your blog post.


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